Brain Health Summit 2024 : 1 336-713-7600

The DAWN Study

The DAWN Study - Genetics of Alzheimer's Disease (AD)

About the Study

The DAWN Alzheimer’s Research study is an international, multi-site initiative that seeks to build a resource that greatly expands Alzheimer’s disease genetic studies in the currently underrepresented African ancestry populations and Hispanic groups. Alzheimer’s is a complex disease with a pronounced genetic component; its estimated heritability is 60% to 80%. Though the disease can affect individuals of any ethnic and ancestral backgrounds, efforts for genetic studies have not historically been well diversified.

Why Your Participation Matters

  • Diverse Representation: Your involvement helps ensure our research reflects the diverse genetic makeup of our community, particularly focusing on underrepresented groups.
  • Advance Scientific Understanding: Your contribution is vital in helping us understand the genetic factors of Alzheimer’s, leading to more effective treatments and preventive strategies.
  • Personal Impact: Participating in our study offers a unique opportunity to contribute to a cause that could change the future of Alzheimer’s care and prevention.

How You Can Join

  • Eligibility: We welcome participants aged 60+ (with or without AD), especially those from African American and Hispanic/Latino backgrounds.
  • The Process: Participation involves genetic testing, health assessments, and regular follow-ups, all conducted with the utmost respect for your privacy and comfort.
  • Support and Guidance: Our dedicated team will guide you through every step, ensuring you have all the information and support you need.

Share Your Cares. Inspire Others.

Join our movement to make the world a better place for individuals living with Alzheimer's Disease.
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